
Scarborough Business Association events

Sept. 13 @The Bell breakfast
Sep 13 @ 7:30 am – 9:30 am

Guest Speaker: Ashley Challinor, Director of Policy, Ontario Chamber of Commerce

Ashley Challinor is the lead on the Ontario Chamber’s health policy file. Prior to that she worked in market research in Toronto, media in Tibilisi, and migration policy in Washington DC. Ashley has an MSc. from the London School of Economics, an MA from the University of Southern California and an HBA from the University of Toronto. Outside of work she volunteers with the Canadian Red Cross’ Disaster Management team.

Cyber Breakfast: Secrets to Economic Recovery; Scarborough Restaurant Innovation Panel
Jul 8 @ 9:00 am – 10:10 am

Join us and learn about an innovative program underway to help restaurants on the road to economic recovery. Panelists include: Imran Ali, Northern Smokes Restaurant; Shannon Carrigan, Centennial College; Bill McConkey, UTSC; Toronto Coun. Jennifer McKelvie

Cyber Breakfast – Dolf DeJong, CEO The Toronto Zoo
Jul 22 @ 9:15 am – 10:00 am

Join the Scarborough business community as we welcome Dolf DeJong, CEO of the Toronto Zoo who will speak on Your Toronto Zoo: COVID19 Recovery and Our New Model. Watch for future Wednesday Cyber Breakfasts as we aim to help businesses transition to a post pandemic economy.

Cyber Breakfast – Speaker Doly Begum
Feb 3 @ 9:15 am – 10:00 am

Join like-minded Scarborough business leaders for 45 minutes of interesting discussion with a topic relevant to business resiliency, recovery and future success. You don’t have to be a member to join us!

Cyber Breakfast – Dr. Purmina Tyagi, Centennial College
Aug 11 @ 9:15 am – 10:00 am

Join the Scarborough Business Community and hear from Dr. Purnima Tyagi, speaking  on social innovation research. This free webinar is part of the SBA response to the COVID-19 pandemic and aims to help the community return to greater prosperity for all.