UTSC Leader2Leader

April 28, 2017 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
University of Toronto Scarborough Instructional Centre
1095 Military Trail
Scarborough, ON M1C
$30 early bird untilo Apr. 21; $50 after April 21
Regan Tigno

The day-long roster of leadership workshops and panel discussions is designed to promote dialogue and information-sharing between speakers and panelists who are leaders from various corporate sectors, to a diverse audience of current students, proud alumni and community members.

Conference delegates will be challenged to define their goals for the future and consider how they will meet them as they take on increasing responsibility in their studies, organizations and communities.

The theme this year is “Is Diversity our Biggest Strength?” and our speakers will challenge our audience to explore these important questions: Given the economic and recent global changes, where do they see themselves in the bigger picture? How will your contributions positively affect the world around you? As Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary and its evolution, how will the new landscape affect our global standing, our business leaderships, our entrepreneurial opportunities, our community impact and our legacy for the next 150 years?

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